Paranormal Investigation Form

If you would like the Murbex-usa to conduct a free paranormal investigation of your property, you have come to the right place! Before you complete this form, please note that the Murbex-Usa uses an observe and report method for our investigations. This means the Murbex-Usa will use various pieces of equipment combined with historical research to document any unusual activity and report our findings to you. As such, Murbex-Usa will not rid your property of paranormal activity. Also know that you must be the owner or tenant of the property where the investigation will occur.

The information requested on this form will provide our paranormal investigation team with the knowledge needed to conduct a proper investigation. Some of the information may be personal, but it is imperative for the investigation team to be as informed as possible prior to conducting an investigation. All of the information and results of our investigation will be kept strictly confidential unless specific permission is given to the Murbex-Usa to post the information publicly. Remember that the Murbex-Usa does not charge for our services, nor do we pay to investigate reportedly haunted locations. Please complete this form accurately, truthfully and in its entirety.

About You
Your Name * First Last

Your Email Address * Your email address will not be published.

Street Address * ex. 321 Main St

City * ex. Columbus

State *

Zip Code * ex. 43207

Your Phone Number ex. 614-555-5555

About Your Experence.
Please write a detailed synopsis of the paranormal phenomenon that is occurring: *

Have there been any previous occurrences with the person, place and/or situation? If so, please explain:

What does the paranormal activity seem to be associated with?
Please check all that apply.

Unexplained Illness
Malevolent Spirit
Occult-Related Phenomenon

What is the weather condition when experiencing the paranormal phenomenon? *

Has there been any history of psychiatric, emotional and/or mental challenges in the place where the paranormal activity is taking place? If so, please explain:

What is the state of awareness of the observer before, during and after the paranormal activity takes place? *
ex. tired, sleeping, meditating, etc.

Please list any relevant history about the location where the paranormal activity is taking place:

What would you like to happen once the paranormal investigation is complete? *

Can Murbex-usa post your experence publicly "Only the story"